A tribute to Harry-white dog

Harry - Rest In Peace

Today Harry passed on at 630pm after an accident.  As a feeder one of the saddest things is when you dont find the furkid there anymore when it is feeding time. It had been part of my mundane and yet joyous mundane to feed them but their missing is also like they have taken part of me with them away. Only God can continue to ease my pain and to trust Him that Harry is in good hands.. a place of no pain and suffering, plenty of food as well. I shall miss his happy bark and trotting towards me, dancing in circles and leaping with joy. All my many friends who cared for Harry will certainly miss this chap. This is dedicated to him, the Rainbow Bridge and Harry has broken one of my cords of my heart strings..

Love you Harry, I was glad that I could give you the best and all you also got a hosts of human friends that miss you too.

Dedicated to Harry

The Rainbow Bridge

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